I've been spending more time reading in the evenings lately (and therefore less computer time!)
I'm enjoying biographies at present. As much as they are heartbreaking stories which leave me wondering what really happened, I really enjoy them. Sometimes the words make me teary and I have to close the book for awhile before trying again.
I read Joanne Lee's book a few weeks back. I only vaguely remember the case at the time. Snippets on the radio in NZ where we were living when Peter Falconio vanished. By the time the trial came around we were living in Australia and saw much more in the media about the case.

I've just finished Kathy's story last night. I sat up until nearly 2am as I couldn't out it down. What an ordeal that woman went through. It follows her life from her home through institutions - reformatory school, a psychiatric hospital, a Magdalen laundry, and a prison.

Now it's back to the library for something else (hopefully another biography takes my fancy)

What are you reading at present? Any recommendations?