Sorry I haven't been around much, life is just so hectic somedays, it's neverending.
- I am still sick though, but hopefully over the worst of it. The kids are sick too, to varying degrees, with rotten coughs, running noses, headaches - the works. Poor poppets. They've both had a few days off school and dancing, so with just two weeks left of the term, hopefully they'll be able to be there each day.
- I don't have a camera at all now, I have been borrowing Amie's but she's taken it home now. I must do some research and get around to getting another.
- Ella had her Obsticle-athon at school last Thursday, she managed to do 6 laps of the course which was a fantastic effort.
- Kate & Ella are practising hard for their dancing exams coming up. Ella has ballet and Kate ballet & tap.
- The girls Cabaret is in 2 weeks! Very exciting!
- Phil is still on a four and one roster. We had a lovely week with him home last week, now it's back to just us again. Very quiet.
- Ella's writing is blooming! She spends many many quiet times at home writing stories and making cards and pictures for her teachers and friends. Bless her.
- Kate is reading a multitude of books and has started crossword puzzles. Hooray for more quiet activities.
- Amie is loving her new house and her independence. We still see her every day and of course Ruby, so it's not really much difference. Well except there is less mess around and more food in the cupboard.