Kate was excited to get back to school and her friends and move over to the Year Three and Four area. She has two teachers, I only met one this morning and she seemed lovely. They were straight into their work, no gently breaking them anymore :)

After dropping Kate to class and settling her in, we rushed to Ella's Year One class. Kate used to be in the same class in Year One with the same two teachers so Ella felt right at home. She's sitting next another little blondie with glasses. I hope they will be good friends. Year One seems so grown up!
From there I took Ruby to Kindy. Once again the teacher is familiar as it was Kate's Kindy teacher. (Ella had a different one) Ruby was very brave and after we did a couple of puzzles, she gave me a kiss goodbye and I left.
She had a fab time and happily chatted about her morning when I picked her up (they have half days to start) She got a certificate and she is very proud.