We've had a lovely few days away at a farmstay in Harvey, about 2 hrs south of Perth. It was one of the most relaxing holidays with kids I've had - there was so much for them to do! They spent lots and lots of time feeding the animals, collecting the eggs, on the playground and making new friends! Hooray for new friends.
We visited Sterling Cottage, beautiful gardens which we loved walking around.
Pony rides were a huge hit, as were the ute rides around the paddocks!
A night out at the country trots was a new experience!
Accomodation was roomy and the scenery breathtaking!
Gorgeous sunset
We climbed up the top of the Big Orange, Ella was a bit frightened but managed to get all the way to the top. Well she was carried some of the way ...
The girls tried out their new fishing rods - no fish though!
We have had a very relaxing few days here with just the three of us hanging out together, The girls have enjoyed their Easter Sunday with too much chocolate, new winter jarmies and tracksuits. They've had fun painting eggs and we've loved watching Little House on the Prairie on dvd. Hope you've all had a happy day xx
I have been very spoilt with two boxes of chocolates, slippers, a camera bag and a voucher! Plus beautiful handmade cards. They are the best. Eeeek it's my last year in my thirties :)
Seeing it was such a beautiful autumn day, I thought we would go to The Maze. We hadn't been before, it was good for us all to get some exercise and fresh air! The girls had a great time getting lost in the mazes and finding their way out!
How cute is this little pumpkin after such a busy weekend?