Tomorrow it is back into routine. Tomorrow Kate starts Year 4, Ella starts Year 2 and Ruby starts Pre-primary. Both Ella's and Ruby's teachers have taught Kate and Ella so we are well familiar with them and very happy.
Kate is in a Year 4/5 class. There are only 6 Year 4's and the rest are Year 5's.
Kate is the only one from her Year 3 class in this class. She does know a couple of the girls though, so I'm sure she'll settle in okay. Mrs Kriegler is the teacher. She's worried though and I know she will have trouble getting to sleep tonight.
Ella is in the same Year 1/2 class Kate was in. We asked for Mrs Menezies to be her teacher, she is wonderful and I know Ella will thrive being one of the older kids in the class. She has a few friends in there from her last class.
Ruby has the lovely Mrs Morcombe that the others had in Pre-Primary. We requested her as well. Ruby will thrive in there. She will now be 5 days a week as opposed to 2 days a week last year in Kindy.
After school tomorrow dance enrollments need to be done, swimming lessons to be booked and Kate is eager to play the violin this year, so need to organise that.
Uniforms are all ironed for the week. We've made American Fudge Brownie for the lunch boxes, all the stationery is labelled - we are all set!