Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Our last day in HK was off to a very slow start. I was really ill when I woke and pronptly sent Phil and the girls off to the chemist to find me some painkillers. After they kicked in, I was able to get up and shower and finish the packing. We left our bags down in the storage area and caught a taxi to Kowloon to visit the number one tourist attraction in HK - Dialogue in the Dark  What can I say? A must-do experience for everyone. The tour which last 75minutes, is in complete darkness, and we didn't find out until the end that our guide was blind (Phil had an inkling, but I had no idea!) It makes you really appreciate what visually impaired people go through, and really appreciate the sight we do have!

 Afterwards we enjoyed lunch from the bakery and sat outside with the locals!

 We caught the train back to the hotel where we gathered our bags and caught a taxi to the airport. I found a spot of the carpet and went to sleep until the flight. By now, I was really sick and to be honest a bit worried about flying.

1 comment:

Domesblissity said...

What a terrible feeling for you Ailsa. Glad you got home okay and I'm assuming are all better now.

Anne xx

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