I have lots going on for the rest of this month, so I don't think I'll be around much until December. I'll try to pop in when I can but otherwise this is what we will be doing!
- First day of stage rehearsals today. Will need to pick the girls' up early from school. Finish at 9pm.
- Tomorrow - work for me
- Saturday dance classes as usual in morning, Finale practice in afternoon 3-4:30pm
- Monday - excursion with Ella's class to the Zoo, dance after school
- Tues - dance after school
- Day Two of stage rehearsals - 3:30pm to 9pm
- Friday - work then full dress rehearsal 5-10pm
- Saturday - dance class
- Monday - extra ballet class practise for 2 hours due to teacher being away
- Tues & Wed - concert nights, YAY
Also, I want to get a bit more Christmas shopping done. I hate leaving it all till December, plus we still have a few things to get for our camping trip.
So, whatever you do, have fun and take care x