Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day

It's been a lovely Mother's Day today. Ella and I were awake first so we got up and had a hot chocolate and waited for Kate & Phil to wake. I was given some lovely homemade cards, chocolates, a new nightie for winter, slippers, sheets and a herb garden. Very spoilt indeed.
The girls and I headed out to get some fruit and veges for the week and to buy some herbs while Phil put the garden together. Came home and planted - doesn't it look good?
Amie, Brendan, Ruby and Jonah arrived after lunch and we potted about while the kids played. Ella and Ruby were so pleased to see each other.

I wanted to get a photo with all my girls, but Ella wouldn't. She only wanted one with her buddy Ruby. Oh well, another time.
I got one of Amie and her kids
and a rare one of Phil and I

Amie, Brendan & the kids

Jonah loved watering and was pretty good at it!
All in all it was a beautiful day filled with love, peace, happiness, sunshine and lots of fun!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums out there, I hope you were all as blessed as I was.

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