Monday, March 19, 2012

Our Weekend

1. Banana bread.
2. What Kate was the support act for yesterday.
3. The Regal Theatre where the performance was.
4. Ella scans the OP shop racks.
5. We stopped for tea after the show. Love Kate's smudged lippie!
6. OP shop find!
7. New towels to be washed.
8. Beautiful marigolds.
9. 10. 11. The vegie garden is blooming!
12. Warm days still to dry the washing. 32 deg today.
13. 14. 15. Making berry crumble.
16. Kate learning to knit. Needles and wool I found at the OP shop.
17. Ella spent quite a lot of time in her room in the afternoon drawing and listening to her ipod.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend too!

1 comment:

Fleur Cotton said...

How lovely your daughter is learning to knit. My daughter is in the process of learning too, it's great when you can teach them crafts that we all learnt when we were little.

Fleur xx

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