Tuesday, April 09, 2013

In Chook News ...

 I learnt something new today. That a chicken can lay 2 eggs in one day. That's what Omelette did today. She is our only chook who lays white eggs, so easy to tell. She laid the first around 9am, and the second was there when I got home at 2pm. After doing some research on the subject I found out it's not an everyday event but is not unheard of either. It can often follow a period of not laying (she's been laying just fine) it can happen right before they go broody (she must be due to again soon!) or often one of the eggs might be soft shelled, a slightly different colour or have no shell at all. (both eggs are perfect)

Anyone else out there have any stories to tell about their chickens laying more than once a day?

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