Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Catching Up ...

It's been hard to get on here lately,,I'm not used to working 7 days a week! But I am getting there, but so tired, so this is just a quick photo post so I don't get too far behind. I'm off to an appointment soon, so will just get this done as quickly as possible.

Ella and I enjoyed some dinner at Dome in the City before Kate's school Presentation Night
Kate cooked breakfast one Sunday morning as part of her Food and Nutrition Assignment
Phoebe escaped for the mash I was making them
Ella did well in the Faction Carnival Day
There was some pointy toes!
There was a slice made

There was sleeping under the couch
There was an athletics Carnival
Cat in the Hat for Book Week
This was part of Ella's assignment on America

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hi Ailsa, thanks for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment on my blog. I love the photo of the chicken eating the mash before the rest of the chickens and the Hollywood Assignment, that's awesome.....Have a great week. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

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