Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Well done girls

The girls bought home their Semester One reports today, they were fantastic, of course!

Comments from Ella's teachers:

English: Ella knows all the single sounds with confidence and successfully uses this knowledge in reading and writing. She writes three letter words and some sight words accurately. Ella's stories are very logical and sequential. She completes all written work accurately. Ella speaks clearly and in great detail when telling news. Ella is progressing very well in English.

Maths: Ella has a very good understanding of maths. She can identify number patterns and count past 100. Ella uses her knowledge to solve simple number problems successfully. She knows the days of the week and months of the year very well and easily identifies information on a calender. Ella usually forms numerals correctly. Ella eagerly participates in all activities. She shows great creativity when designing and assembling structures.

General comment: Ella is a very capable student who works steadily to produce good results in all areas. She is always friendly and responsible and can be relied upon to help others. She displays lovely manners and always has a positive attitude.

Comments from Kate's teachers:

English: Kate shows that she has a good understanding of the fiction and non fiction texts that we cover in class. She always completes the associated written tasks to a high standard. She is a keen writer across all areas and her writing displays good structure at all times. Kate always tries to make her writing interesting, through her use of varied sentence beginnings and interesting vocabulary. She is accurately experimenting with speech marks.

Maths: Kate has quickly grasped all number concepts covered so far this semester. She listens carefully to all instructions and completes tasks accurately. She has a very good recall of basic number facts. Kate enjoys the challenge of working mathematically tasks and is attempting to use all 4 operations to solve problems.

General comment: Kate is an enthusiastic student who is keen to be involved in all activities. She particularly enjoys a challenge. Kate is a careful listener and completes all tasks quickly and to a high standard. Keep up the great work!

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